Marion Ministerial Alliance
Local pastors from various denominations join together monthly for ministry and prayer. Out of this fellowship has grown a strong relationship between most of the Protestant churches in Marion. By the grace of God, and because of a commitment to God's Word and desire to see the Gospel proclaimed in our community, many of these churches come together each year to do things like: community VBS (7 churches participating), Easter sunrise service at the Lake, Lenten Breakfasts, and sponsoring local Christian concerts.
SWA (Southwestern association)
The SWA (Southwestern Association of NAB Churches) is a regional association of the 20 NAB Conference churches in a five-state area (Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma). We partner together for accountability and fellowship, support and encouragement of our pastors, church planting, youth camp ministry, and men's & women's retreats. The SWA joins with two additional NAB Associations in order to support a Regional Minister who, in addition to providing assistance in the above mentioned ministries, also helps our churches with pastoral placement and conflict resolution.
NAB (North American Baptist Conference)
The North American Baptist Conference (NAB) is an evangelical denomination of some 400+ churches in both the United States and Canada. We are a distinct Baptist group - not American Baptist (ABC) nor Southern Baptist (SBC) - that began as the ethnic German Baptist Conference dating back to the 1850's. Together, the NAB Conference supports 30+ missionaries in at least 9 different countries around the world. Click on the buttons below to find out more about NAB missions, history, and our Statement of Beliefs.